23 Jan, 2012 01:00 AM
ALREADY this year about 400 animals have had to be impounded at the Blacktown Animal Holding Facility, at a rate of about 200 a week.Cats and dogs that are not microchipped are destroyed at the pound after seven days if they are not claimed and those that are microchipped are kept for 14 days before they are killed.One volunteer who battles the odds to re-home and save some of these animals is Mel Norman, who travels an hour and a half from her home in Curl Curl each week to help at the pound. She believes unregulated “backyard breeders” contribute to the high number of animals that are being killed in Blacktown.”If I could nail one single cause, it’s quite clearly backyard breeders,” she said. “When you look at it breeders can get $300 a pooch and dogs can have a litter of nine.”So that’s $2700 in tax-free cash each time. Some breeders don’t care where the pups go. Whether they’re chipped or de-sexed, they just churn them out.”She said these backyard breeders are operating all over Blacktown.
“Even when I go to the pound to rescue seven dogs from the kill list, I go past a dozen signs that say pups for sale.”
Although Blacktown pound takes animals from up to seven other councils, about 70 per cent of the animals impounded come from Blacktown.
Blacktown mayor Alan Pendleton said the problem was multifaceted but he believed educating residents about responsible pet ownership was the biggest challenge.
“Some people go on holidays and take their cat or dog to the pound then come back and get another when they get back,” Councillor Pendleton said. “That type of attitude is just disgraceful.
“We’re trying to educate our community so that when everyone does the right thing by their pet, we won’t need a facility like our pound, except for when an animal is lost.
“Then it won’t churn through the numbers that it does.”
Details: Anyone who is interested in helping re-home animals can call Vicky Goulding, Pound Rounds, 0425 705 561.
Thank you Blacktown Sun for highlighting the terrible – and avoidable – tragedy that is a pound euthenasia rate!
Posted by Melanie, 25/01/2012 10:40:37 AM, on Blacktown Sun
Thanks Blacktown Sun for another article highlighting the need to help the poundies. Hopefully this will raise awareness within our community that backyard breeders must be stopped. I am part of Pound Rounds and see first hand the impact of how over breeding contributes to the euthanasia rate. Thanks to all the rescuers, foster carers and adoptions the past 12 months as it has been the best rehoming rate ever and I am extremely proud to be a part of that here’s to getting to zero soon!!
Posted by Lizzie, 25/01/2012 12:23:11 PM, on Blacktown Sun
Congratulations to Pound Rounds, Blacktown Council and Blacktown Sun for your efforts in bringing attention to the plight of animals that are unfortunate enough to end up in a pound. Until mandatory desexing and strictly regulated industry codes are implemented this terrible misery will continue.
Posted by maxijj, 25/01/2012 1:36:27 PM, on Blacktown Sun
This is a “Council” problem.You should be asking your council how come they find this an acceptable solution to their animal welfare problem. It is also their responsibility to educate their rate payers and find a humane solution to this problem. They our the pound keepers and are supposed to be in charge of the welfare of the animals they collect.It is not acceptable for councils not to improve on their animal welfare and it might be a starting point to have them provided a subsidy for desexing and microchipping like a lot of other councils if they have such a horrendous animal problem.
Posted by christy, 25/01/2012 2:56:08 PM, on Blacktown Sun
For many years small reg animal rescue charity’s have worked at the coal face of animal rescue, saving dogs and cats on Deathrow from the many pounds around the country, many have also been assisting low income people with desexing their animals and working within their communities, they do all this on very limited funds and most involved are volunteers.rspca desex nowBring breeder permits in and Blacktown pound-desex all animals before they are adopted.
Posted by pam holmes, 25/01/2012 4:20:48 PM, on Blacktown Sun
It alright for Mr Pendleton to say educating the public…yes we should be..but Blacktown council will NOT have mandatory desexing that when these dogs get adoped out from the pound they will NOT be able to reproduce….now before we can educated the public we have to educate the council….they don’t want to spend the money….there are plenty of ideas that have been brought to the attention of the council re mandatory desexing…vets coming on board the AWL helping out….but no still these dogs leave the pound undesexed ready for any back yard or puppy farm to breed with them….
Posted by Jan Baker, 25/01/2012 6:28:48 PM, on Blacktown Sun
This article misrepresents the AHF. It does not touch on the problem with cats, particularly feral cats. There many rescue organisations for dogs and very few for cats. And animals aren’t killed after 7 days or 14 days. That is the legal holding period, not a kill day. You are dealing with a diverse population in Blacktown. The people who can’t be reached via education due to a lack of conscience, are the same people who violate many other laws with no regard for the consequences. I wholeheartedly agree with the plight, just not the misinforamtion/disinformation. Some Council stats?
Posted by Misha, 26/01/2012 7:15:54 AM, on Blacktown Sun
if they didnt make it so expensive to get your pet back from there there would be less pets in there cats roam my cat got taken there they wanted me to pay $500 to get her back who can afford that i ended up talking to them and paying about $260 she was in there like 2 days she could not of eaten that much food and why can they cut down the price like that if people could just go get there animals back they wouldnt be so many in there
Posted by stan, 26/01/2012 9:56:46 AM, on Blacktown Sun
Mayor Pendleton says ” educating residents about responsible ownership ” is the biggest challenge. Animal advocates – who understand the problem far better than the mayor – have been saying for years that whilst ever Blacktown pounds sells un-desexed animals, they are simply fuelling the huge Back Yard Breeding problem. His own personal view is that owners should be able to decide for themselves if they want desexing for their animals – his are not. The problem is the Mayor and his policies, not educating responsible ownership!!
Posted by Paul Archer, 27/01/2012 11:56:08 AM, on Blacktown Sun
All councils who have taken on the non kill model and impliment desex and microchip of all pound animals have noticed a huge drop of animals returns and animals rehomed.Why would this councils want to waste rate payers money by creating a problem for themselves. Desex means no more dogs than are wanted and microchip means all animals have a home.
Posted by christy, 27/01/2012 1:44:36 PM, on Blacktown Sun