Daily Liberal

Melanie Hancock and her daughter Liz with their blue cattle dog, Scrappy. Mrs Hancock drove to Port Macquarie to adopt Scrappy from a dog rescue group. the four-year-old dog is now a much-loved member of the family. Photo: AMY MCINTYRE
The Dubbo City Council’s 2011 figures (January to December) reveal 225 cats and 41 dogs were killed at the Dubbo City Animal Shelter.
The combined NSW RSPCAs saw 13,031 cats and 8209 dogs killed. The rest of the euthanised animals came from other (council) pounds and shelters within the state.
She said people mistakenly believed that if animals end up at the pound the RSPCA will find them a good home, which was not always the case.
Ms Greenaway said the RSPCA pounds and shelters are burdened with an unnecessary excess with the shame laying squarely at the feet of irresponsible owners and unethical breeders.
The lawyer said she believed breeders who do not desex their animals fall into three categories- ethical purebred breeders who are selective about who they supply to, puppy farmers who do not care what happens to the animals after they have made a quick buck and those “who probably do care” but are not seeing the long-term effects of the breeding cycle they perpetuate.