Dubbo Daily LiberalBy LISA MINNERIMAGE ABOVE: Companion animal lawyer Anne Greenaway with a much-loved Ziggie, the Dalmation. Photo: LISA MINNER


A CONFERENCE organised by local companion animals lawyer Anne Greenaway is to be held in Newcastle to share knowledege about animal welfare and rescue issues.

The aim of the conference is to lift the profile of animal advocates and to offer practical ways to start rescue groups with the aim of saving more animals from increasing euthanasia rates.

Ms Greenaway said other topics would include how to take high quality photos for rescue groups and shelter websites to increase the animals’ chances of adoption.

Other discussions will include breed-specific rescue groups, setting up animal welfare organisations with low-cost pet desexing, as well as looking at vets who work with rescue groups.

Organisations and individuals from around the state will speak about their experiences in their varying fields and share knowledge to assist other groups.

Guest speakers will include Sue Barker, Barb Steffensen, David Atwell, Olga Parkes, Barbara Trytko, Geoff Davidson and Anne Greenaway.

The lawyer encourages anyone in the region who is interested in gaining more insight into animal welfare and rescue issues to attend the conference which is to be held in Newcastle on February 2.

For further information contact Anne on anneg33@bigpond.com


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