Please note a generic submission in response to the Discussion Paper can be found here 


Ms Clover Moore to the Minister for Local Government, and Minister for the North Coast—

  1. How many times has the Companion Animal Taskforce met?
  2. Were all members present, and if not, which were not?
  3. Were minutes take at meetings?
  4. If not, why not?
  5. Will the Taskforce conduct any consultation to develop its promised Discussion Paper?
  6. If so, who with?
  7. When is a Discussion Paper by the Taskforce expected to be released?
  8. Which animal welfare⁄ protection⁄ rights groups and other organisations will the Taskforce send the Discussion Paper to and specifically ask for a submission?
  9. How will the Discussion Paper be publicised to ensure a wide range of views and experiences are involved in the process to develop recommendations?
  10. Will there be public hearings?
  11. Will submissions be publically available?
  12. Will the taskforce provide a response to submissions?


I provide the following details in response to your questions:

  1. The Taskforce has met on four occasions since August 2011.
  2. All members have been present at the meetings, with the exception of the Australian Institute of Local Government Rangers whose representative was unable to attend two meetings, and the Pet Industry Association of Australia whose representative was unable to attend one meeting.
  3. Yes.
  4. See answer to 3.
  5. Consultation on the Taskforce’s areas of inquiry will be conducted as part of the forthcoming discussion paper submission process.
  6. The general public will be consulted through the submission process.
  7. The discussion paper is expected to be released in the first half of 2012.
  8. All interested animal welfare⁄protection⁄rights groups are encouraged to make a submission when the discussion paper is released.
  9. Notices advising of the release of the discussion paper will be placed in metropolitan newspapers and the Government Gazette. Minister Hodgkinson and I will also issue a media release advising of the discussion paper’s release and promote the discussion paper at relevant events. The Taskforce Chair, Mr Andrew Cornwell MP has also indicated that he will publicise the discussion paper at various targeted events. The discussion paper will be available on the Division of Local Government website.
  10. No.
  11. Submissions may be made publicly available, unless individuals specifically indicate that they do not want their submission made public.
  12. No. Submissions will be considered by the Taskforce in preparing its final report to Government.


Question asked on 14 February 2012 (session 55-1) and published in Questions & Answers Paper No. 65.
Answer received on 6 March 2012 and printed in Questions & Answers Paper No. 71.

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