By Jemma Anshaw

  • FUR-EVER FRIENDS: Muswellbrook Animal Shelter employees Jess Newton, coordinator Georgie Barlin and Lisa Potter with a litter of labrador puppies they were happy to see go to Dog Rescue to be re-homed.FUR-EVER FRIENDS: Muswellbrook Animal Shelter employees Jess Newton, coordinator Georgie Barlin and Lisa Potter with a litter of labrador puppies they were happy to see go to Dog Rescue to be re-homed.

Muswellbrook Animal Shelter is happy to buck the trend.

Euthanasia rates in NSW shelters have been in the news this week with some alarming statistics, but not those out of the Muswellbrook Shire Council facility.

In the past financial year a total of 493 dogs were taken in to the Skellatar Stock Route centre, along with 258 cats.

Only four per cent of these canines and 16 per cent of felines were put down.

These dropping statistics have been met by rising numbers in animals being re-homed or rescued, which is what staff at the facility are aiming to achieve.

“We do the job because we care about the animals,” shelter coordinator Georgie Barlin said.

“I know them, I care about them, I don’t want to send them to the wrong home.”

The three animal lovers – Jess Newton, Lisa Potter and Ms Barlin – spend a lot of time retraining the furry friends and teaching them manners.

While doing this, they get to know the personality of the pets, which means they can be matched with the right family.

Unfortunately, if the animals don’t fit with a family, there is a chance they will be back at the shelter, according to Muswellbrook Shire Council manager for administration and regulatory services Trina Holmes.

“If they come and adopt from us, we have a vested interest in matching them to the right home,” she said.

If you are interested in seeing the animals available for adoption at the Muswellbrook Animal Shelter, visit council’s website at or contact them on 6549 3700.

Showing 6 comments

  • NPPR

    Our rescue group, Newcastle Pound Pooch Rescue, are happy to work with the committed staff of Muswellbrook Animal Shelter. Working together with a common & compassionate goal is an integral part of the approach to the companion animal crisis we are experiencing.  Well done ladies!

  • The Circus

    1 of these sweet little girls is coming to live with us:)  We love you already Zali x

  • Wonderful effort guys.

  • Tlouisn

    Well done to the caring staff and volunteers of Muswellbrook Shire Animal Shelter! You have a fraction of the resources of the RSPCA yet you manage to do so much more because saving lives, not getting donations, is your top priority. Congratulations for Dog Rescue Newcastle for working with Muswellbrook animal shelter to foster, rehabilitate and re-home so many precious dogs. If a little council pound and local rescue group can do so much with so little, the big national charities should be ashamed of their record.

  • Maxijj

    Congratulations to Muswellbrook Pound and Muswellbrook Council for a great achievement. Thank you everyone involved.

  • DMA

    This is a great example of when councils, locals, and rescue groups come together and make a huge difference in how pounds and shelters can achieve great results. I can think of other so-called professional outfits who could learn a lot from the success Muswellbrook Shelter has achieved. It involves a lot of hard work, but in the end it is well worth it.