POLL: Debate over RSPCA ‘temp test’

Newcastle Herald By JANEK SPEIGHT Oct. 16, 2012, 10:38 p.m. POLL: Debate over RSPCA ‘temp test’ By JANEK SPEIGHT Oct. 16, 2012, 10:38 p.m. DEBATE: NSW RSPCA released its temperament test guidelines last week. DEBATE over a “temperament test”...

When fate depends on the wag of a tail

The Sydney Morning Herald October 13, 2012 Nicole Hasham The RSPCA faces criticism for its animal assessments. Happy ending … Adam Farrugia, manager at the RSPCA’s Yagoona shelter, with Hera the kelpie who was rehabilitated after a behavioural test. Photo: Ben...

Dog euthanasia rates down

The Canberra Times October 11, 2012 Megan Doherty The ACT branch of the RSPCA has sought to distance itself from its NSW counterpart by showing it is euthanasing a far smaller percentage of dogs. The latest figures show that the RSPCA in the ACT had to put down 6.5...